
About Me

Howdy, I’m Jason! I’m a former New Jerseyan now living in Austin, Texas with my wife and 3 dogs. I started this site to begin sharing information again after a many year pause from my previous Wordpress-based site.

It’s been a joy, comparatively, building this out in Markdown with Hugo.


I currently work for Databricks. Prior to that, I’ve most recently worked at Effectual, Rackspace and Datapipe (purchased by Rackspace).

I started out as a linux administrator, before becoming an Engineering Manager at Rackspace, a Cloud Architect at Effectual, and most recently a Delivery Solutions Architect at Databricks.

I’m also working on completing my B.S. in Computer Science with Western Governor’s University, so I’ve been keeping busy!


Retro computing (DOS-era), traveling, submarines, racing/cars, collecting the occasional rare piece of literature, and wargaming (computer and trying out tabletop).

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