
Join a former aspiring music journalist turned technologist as I go back to University in my 30’s and share my learnings about technology, submarines, and maybe music.

Math & Me: A Tale of Hate, Love, and Missed Metaphors

As a technologist, I got into this field because I love all things computing. So, it’s strange, but somewhat rewarding to decide to specialize a bit more. I don’t think I could ever pick one thing and stick with it forever, but more of building a breadth of knowledge in a specific subject. The first step toward that being taking my AWS Machine Learning Specialty exam in the next 2 months or so.

Which leads me to my old arch-nemesis. Without going in to too much personal detail, Math and I have always had a hate-hate relationship: I hated Math and Math hated me. This is not a particularly uncommon story, but how unfortunate for the young technologist.

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What's Going On? - Early 2023 Edition

So I’m kind of, but not quite, holding true to my promise to update the site more. Anyways, I’m wrapping up my CS degree which is pretty exciting. I’ve been looking in to UT Austin’s AI Program for a Master’s degree, but we’ll see what happens with that.

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Hugo, Ghost, Beehiiv, and You

I’ve been looking into posting on Medium, using Ghost, etc and am a bit lost. So there’s a high likelihood I might be trying out a few different mediums before I find one that makes me happy. My former colleague and all-round AWS Rockstar Ross Wickman has setup a newsletter Unlimited Leave with beehiiv, which is pretty cool. I recommend you subscribe! Anyways, I’ve been using hugo for a bit and have been pretty happy with the ease of use. [Read More]